Man with PTSD


Eye injuries account for 15% of all IDF casualties…and more Israelis than ever are suffering with PTSD

Never have our superhero guide dogs and PTSD service dogs been needed more.

Never have we needed your support more to meet the growing demand.

Please donate now to our latest appeal
Emotional Support Dogs

Sponsor a puppy

Give a blind or disabled Israeli the opportunity to live with the dignity of independence

By sponsoring a puppy from just £10 a month you can be an active part of helping them grow from being a cute bundle of fur to becoming a fully qualified guide or service dog ready to give someone the loving support that will transform their life.

More on sponsor a puppy

Name a puppy

Be a hero for a superhero – name an Israel Guide Dog Centre puppy.

When you name an Israel Guide Dog Centre puppy, you’re changing someone’s world. And that makes you a hero for a superhero! Your £3,000 sponsorship helps us care for our priceless puppies. It helps us to operate our Puppy Development and Training Campus, supporting their journey from puppy to world-class guide dog, PTSD service dog, emotional support dog or ambassador dog.

More on name a puppy

Leave a legacy

A gift in your will can help to ensure the future of thousands of Israelis with impaired vision, IDF veterans suffering from severe trauma, and children learning to live with autism.

Our legacy donors are visionaries whose forethought and generosity ensure that the essential life changing work of the Israel Guide Dog Centre will continue for many years to come.

More on leaving a legacy
Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Bar/Bat Mitzvah projects

Becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah is an extremely important step into adulthood.

As part of that immense and powerful step you can do something meaningful to help a blind Israeli lead a more independent life. We at the Israel Guide Dog Centre want to be part of your wonderful celebration.

More about Bar/Bat Mitzvah Projects