WORK | Business owner & producer of Chinese medicines |
HOBBIES | Active in public speaking & networking |
PARTNER | Lawrence – male yellow Labrador |
Shaul went blind at the age of 19 while completing his army service, from a rare form of aggressive glaucoma.
“For 24 years, after going blind, I managed with residual vision. About two years ago, there was a deterioration in my vision that changed my life. Until then, I could manage with the assistance of friends and family.”
Shaul felt he was losing his independence. He decided to approach the Centre to request a guide dog and was partnered with Lawrence. He completed his training just as Israel went into its first lockdown in 2021.
Shaul says that “the beauty of the Israel Guide Dog Centre is that it brings together a huge mix of people from all walks of life and backgrounds, social and political, and gives them the tools to become independent.”
My world has been enriched and changed for the better since Lawrence came into my life.

A full guide dog partnership costs the Israel Guide Dog Centre £40,000 and our clients nothing, as we give them this service free of charge. To help us provide more trained guide dogs for people like Shaul please donate today.
To learn more about what you can do, you can give us a call on
020 8090 3455 or you can email us at info@israelguidedog.org.uk